
Jamie Whelton Completes London Marathon

Congratulations to Jamie Whelton (Senior Consultant - Now Education) who completed the London Marathon in 4hrs 23mins Jamie has raised over £1,000 pounds for Anthony Nolan Trust who specialise in providing stem cell transplants. Well done Jamie view Jamie's time splits


Marathon Update!

Dave has hit his target of sponsorship, receiving over £1,000! however, targets are not just to be hit - they're to be smashed! - thanks to everyone who has contributed - if you would like to donate please click here


LA Marathon - Just Done It!

Evening Everyone!

A huge congratulations to Dave Mac who completed the LA marathon today, this is a true show of determination, believe me, this was no easy marathon, with gale force winds and torrential rain throughout the day it made conditions twice as hard.

Dave came in with a time of 7.03 which is amazing, bearing in mind he only trained for 4 months - put your mind to it and you can achieve anything.

I also managed to complete the course in 4.24

this is Dave's day though

we are off for steak, chips and beer to celebrate!

Gary & Dave

The route: